First up is Miss Dee Jet, a 1993 sorrel solid mare with only one thing on her mind.
"This is Miss Dee Jet from Canyon Country, California," writes owner Christine Glazier. "I always had some questions about my mare until I noticed that 'Snickers' had a question mark looking back at me."
This little city slicker is a cutie! Meet PJ All Star Dividend, owned by Larry Volkmar of Scottsdale, Arizona.
"His right hip has an obvious silhouette of a cowboy with his hat on and mouth open facing 'Levi's' flank," writes breeder Sandi Lamrouex about this 2008 bay overo stallion. "I think it looks like Curly from the movie City Slickers!"
Will this one be on the Paint marking blog? I don't know, Willy Be?
"This is [Willy Be An Irish Max]," writes owner Brandy Fithen of Rayland, Ohio, about the unregistered 2008 black overo stallion. "I think [the marking on his neck] looks like Italy, but my sister says a witch's boot. It could be either, you decide."
I guess 'Willy' will be!