Monday, April 27, 2009

Cowboys and Indians

Native American Dance, a 2006 sorrel tobiano mare owned by Ute Wortmann in Wuppertal, Germany, shows a little Native American heritage with her markings. "On her hindquarter spot, you can see an Indian chief's head," writes Svenja Hohmann.

Circle Me In plays the part of a cowboy this morning with what was found on her side. "When I saw all the cool markings in Connection, I started to look for something on my Paint Horse 'Shilo,' " writes Pauline Brough. "Then I noticed on her left front shoulder a cowboy wearing a hat, leaning against the barn with a dark sun shining above him."

Shilo is a 2004 black tobiano mare owned by Tom Brough of Layton, Utah.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Animal Farm, part six

It's time for edition six of Animal Farm on this Monday morning. If you're behind, read parts one, two, three, four and five.

Soaring through the clouds with an eagle by her side is Pokeys Dun Smoken, a 1998 dun overo mare owned by Lori Sundberg of Galesburg, Illinois. "I bought 'Fancy Pants' about 18 months ago and hadn't really noticed that her markings looked like anything special," writes Lori, "but inevitably children will say, 'She has an eagle on her side!' when they see her. In fact, the markings do look like an eagle or hawk with its wings spread."

Sir Jack Wiggles also likes to fly. "Sir Jack Wiggles was born on Easter Sunday in 2008," writes Ernest Alcon of Farmington, New Mexico. "That is when we noticed the bird shape on his hindquarter area."

Sir Jack Wiggles is a 2008 bay tobiano stallion.

Cheyenn Ginger, a 2007 sorrel tobiano mare, is a bit of a trickster with her markings! She resides in Westerdeichstrich, Germany, with owner Angela Schmidt. Angela writes, "My 2-year-old Paint Horse mare has a hampster or cat on her left side. What do you think?"

I think it kind of looks like a puppy or something flying on a broomstick, but I tend to have a wild imagination.

This next marking is an animal of the hoofed kind. " 'Steson' has a mountain goat on his side," writes Laurie Salzer of Derby, New York, about her 2001 bay tobiano gelding Nite Time Obsession.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Markings grab bag

There's no set theme to today's post, other than random things people see in their Paint's markings.

Continental Bailey, a 2008 bay overo mare owned by Dominick Sherman in Victor, Iowa, has a spot that looks like one of two things. "We had bought this little filly at a horse sale, and when we brought her home someone pointed out to me that she has a martini glass, with a face on the rim of the glass, on her left side," writes Amy Van Lancker.

I personally think it looks more like an airplane, but I'm not sure how to explain what's going on with the right wing. What do you think?

Riding in next is 1999 bay tobiano mare Sucha Lil Sugar. "Her right side has an image of an English saddle," writes 6-year-old Miranda Neadle of Discovery Bay, California, who owns the mare.

Danielle Stern of Cornelius, Oregon, has a heart-warming story to tell about her Paint, Yellowstone Splash, a 1999 sorrel overo mare.

" 'Roo Roo' is a Godsend," writes Danielle. "She has taught me so much about how to have a great relationship with your horse. She broke her leg in 2004, and because of our great friendship I had it repaired. Every time I look at her left side I'm reminded of how God does funny things. She has a cross on her left shoulder and a running Paint Horse head in front of, and on, her left hip."

I'm not sure I see the horse's head this morning, but I believe there's a kangaroo on Roo Roo's hip facing her tail.

I would have never thought about this next marking if Donald and Janet Wendt of Greenwood, Missouri, hadn't sent me their marking. "The upside-down cat head is on his right side, and the bulldozer blade is on his left side," writes Janet about their 5-year-old sorrel tobiano stallion Kiss My Biscuit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We love Paint Horses!

As you can probably guess, we've collected another round of love to share with you today. If you missed the first edition, feel free to catch up before continuing!

Salute The Gold, a 2003 buckskin overo gelding, looks like a trickster! Or a loving Paint, at least. " 'Salute' has a perfect heart on his right side and, if you use your imagination, a second heart on his shoulder," writes owner Mariann Jones of Rosanky, Texas.

This little cutie sure has an interesting story! Owned by Sheri Mills, Dreamy Little Sweety is a 2007 palomino tovero mare. "Our 'Sweetie' was born on Valentine's evening," writes Sheri of Mesa, Arizona. "We were delighted with her perfect heart! She has remained an absolute sweetheart and is the easiest horse to work with. We love her."

Vickie Neumann of Nightstar Ranch in Little Elm, Texas, also has a loving Paint in her barn. "She has a heart on her belly!" writes Vickie of her 2007 buckskin tobiano mare Imagalexsey.

This stallion not only loves to run and play, but he wears his heart on his side for everyone to see! "The perfect big heart shape on the side of his upper hip—we believe it's a symbol of love that the Paint Horse gives to us," writes Heidi Dunnewold of Clymer, New York. Her loving Paint is Ima Buckking For Cash, a 2005 bay tobiano stallion.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Animal Farm, part five

It's time for another round of Animal Farm! If you've missed out on past editions of Animal Farm markings, check out versions one, two, three and four.

Sonny Cool Youre Jets, a 2007 chestnut tobiano mare, has gone to the dogs with her marking!

"One day we were standing out with the horse and I saw a dog shape on her right side," writes owner Crystal Vogel of Apple Hill, Ontario, Canada. "She is 2-years-old and the dog hasn't moved or changed one bit."

(If you can't see it, the dog's head is facing the horse's rear and the dog looks like a poodle.)

Following the dog (or maybe running away from) is 1996 bay overo gelding Commander Cat Bird from Laurel, Delaware. Take a guess at his markings!

"He has a picture of a cat on his side, with the cat's tail running up his hip, and a picture of a bird on his neck," writes his owner, Heather Holloway. "Hence his name, Commander Cat Bird."

Today's Animal Farm post is a real cat-and-mouse chase! Impressive Whispers, owned by Nicole Gray of Belleville, Michigan, sports a mouse on her side—Mickey Mouse, to be exact.

"This is my 3-year-old filly and you can clearly see Mickey Mouse's head on her right side," writes Nicole about her 2006 sorrel tobiano mare.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April showers

...of Paint markings! Thanks to everyone for your recent submissions. My inbox has been inundated with photos of interesting Paint markings! I'll do my best to stay caught up, but in the meantime, keep sending them in!

Have you ever been to your local drugstore shortly before any major holiday and checked out the holiday aisle? You've probably spotted this character, who dresses up for any occasion. Check out Snoopy, who rides alongside An Obvious Indian.

"I was recently soaking my mare's foot and had time to just look at her," writes Sue Cosens of Parker, Colorado, about her 1999 sorrel overo mare. "I noticed that her right stifle area sports a likeness of Snoopy. He is facing toward the rear and you can make out the nose, eye, mouth and ears (in an upward, surprised expression). It looks like there's something standing on his nose. Could it be a very slim Woodstock?"

With summer quickly approaching, you may be thinking about traveling. Perhaps you're considering a different country or continent?

" 'Bullseye' has continents on his sides," writes Emily Peak of Stapleton, Alabama. "On the left shoulder he has South America, and on the right is Africa."

This world traveler is Sharp Shootin Peppy, a 2005 bay tobiano stallion owned by Emily.

Continuing the fox and hound Connection is JK Hy Dollar, a 1995 sorrel overo gelding owned by Lila Feather of Le Roy, Minnesota.

"Our gelding has a mark on his belly that looks like a fox, as my husband says," writes Lila. "I see that too, but it also looks like the head of a horse."